blank slate the denial of human nature


ahh now tis too real...she stole from me. now this is all making sense, roads are appearring, this is just one,,one that is similiar, many synchronicities of the past familiar souls in similiar bodies...

he doesnt say much, dont think he cares too much about living.....somehow he does it,,tthe drones flow in line............the man shows up,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,vanish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,re starving bears devouring their fix, even pups come to get any leftovers.

is life that bad people, i mean does the telivision hurt you.

from what i can tell,,,,2 of you are toying and a couple are every day..............

as long as u got green, and a empty day,,you can waste your money....on dirt,

Im on the outside looking in, but it wouldnt take much, so I back up step back,,,,,,,,,,,cutt off the diseased arms,,,,,,fuck why do I gravitate toward people who think its cool to do "shit"

funny id never guedd seeing them on the street,my junky rdar isnt as good as it used to be,,,

so I heal my wounds............lick my sores.............clean my house...................get back what i lost

and forget what i thought i could gain by getting junkieA to junky palace B,,,,,even if she once

may have been someone or someday may,,,shes not now...

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