blank slate the denial of human nature


HH ive been cutting newspaper clippings entitled "for HH" I aint got no damn iternet i gots a half a block college of the arts half hour per day ill use most of it hea...since the dogs
of war seem to be in their houses..for now.
me car got side wiped..knocked me mirror clean off
last week me car got towed
cots my family(humility bites at 36 askin mom for the $)
when every intention is to pay her back...
but she and i know despite my good intentin that most likeley wont be the case
as scapin by i am ....
so on the positive side
i met a freind
and his friend did me str chart on her blackberry
quite advanced from the old get out the emphemeris dayz.....
been tryin to get on gettin on...despite what i see...
despite whatll just gumup the works if i mention

just must find a chair before their are none left if ya know what i mean..
peace to all the little chitlens ie y precious gracie....she keeps me goin
the sunrise, the smile of a childs innocent open eyes..could even make a grown man cry

gettin on w/ aussie music
keepin me insides and me outsies
i wont be swept up w. the rest who forgot
life is all about handin out a lil change

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...bit of a bugger that you don't have your own internet and about your car but unreal to hear that things are on the up otherwise-left you a letter, buddy...
peace and love....


My Father by Mark Merrill