hard to think
how many sprawling cities
and oceans separate us
hard to beleive how many sunken ships
treasures hunted for and lost
skealatons eaten clean
bottom feeders knawing on
the captains bones
all this between us
suctioned onto the window
aint ever
real intentions
love to love cuz ur u\
not becuzz ur my dream come true
tho those are the best flowers
we all want to taste from that bottle
of eternity found
dropped on the ground
security just called to lost n found
todays a day
pigeons are biting
so make sure the colour of your hair
doesnt cause a flair
than again if u dare
fuckin go out in your underwear
my body's thankin
my mind.
for walking it
to exrete
the foul taste of negativity
and down right nasty habbitted
bully's, i say to u, come to me
cowardly bully
come to me, and than
we shall play
tic tac toe
until than im no trained monkey
or tough boy
but ill go there
why not.
step on my toes.
just a ripple in a pond
u sink and are forgotten,,
by little toad.
love love love
blank slate the denial of human nature
सिट उप high
siy up high from below a bellow out
hush my ears
head my phone bill stops my connection
ahh missed that along time ago
but like the man said
if u miss one bus you gor another one comin
so dont bet all your cards on that one bus
busses are so cliche'
of rumors
a buss full of blinded people
going in the wrong diresction
or is it my thoughts in the wrong direction
wish i never came unglued'
cuz puttin the pieces together can be quite arduous.
when something or someone
crashed and am i involved or
am i a passer by
the most loniliest feeling
whaen theres nothing to do w u
stop ur paranoid mind
just stop
why what
who solve solve
insanity will not run in this cabin nor this train.
not today not ever,\
hush my ears
head my phone bill stops my connection
ahh missed that along time ago
but like the man said
if u miss one bus you gor another one comin
so dont bet all your cards on that one bus
busses are so cliche'
of rumors
a buss full of blinded people
going in the wrong diresction
or is it my thoughts in the wrong direction
wish i never came unglued'
cuz puttin the pieces together can be quite arduous.
when something or someone
crashed and am i involved or
am i a passer by
the most loniliest feeling
whaen theres nothing to do w u
stop ur paranoid mind
just stop
why what
who solve solve
insanity will not run in this cabin nor this train.
not today not ever,\
हप्प हप्प 29
today just like any other day except its the 36th anniversry of my birth,born in the blizzard of 73 and last nite another blizzard of 2009.ive been told to plan my life in five year incrementsi think that makes the most sense
so as to not , plan to be an airline pilot, but at athe same time take realistic looks at where u be and go on.
i woke the other day with this phrase in my head
"rearange it all"
got to rea range it all
u know the way i see it all
makes no difference how or why ya'll
as long as thers sustanance to arange
take a step back
when ya fall down a flight of stairs and bruise your cossix
get up.
sit lightly
we can always get up
we can always see goodness
in everyone
sure they may not be in our social group
or someone we care to meet
when we were younger we thru snowballls
gathered our own i do recall
we built or own walls
helped eachother get them nice and tall
why do the same kids,,with grownup faces
gather again for eachother
that instinct of together were strong has
been replaced by every man for himself
and if ya see someone tryin to gather snowballs
steal 'em knock his wall down
thats not the way im gonna live ya'll
no matter what that aint the way
to lonliness
misery sure
seen that door
is overcrowded
im slowin down
no need to rush rush rush
take a breathe
take a drive
do something for somebody'
just because u know
itd put a smile on tier face
dont let fear of our walls beein torn down keep us small
let our walls embrace eachother let them interconnect
in ways that men can never understand
show love in mysterios wayz
it might just be what you need
so as to not , plan to be an airline pilot, but at athe same time take realistic looks at where u be and go on.
i woke the other day with this phrase in my head
"rearange it all"
got to rea range it all
u know the way i see it all
makes no difference how or why ya'll
as long as thers sustanance to arange
take a step back
when ya fall down a flight of stairs and bruise your cossix
get up.
sit lightly
we can always get up
we can always see goodness
in everyone
sure they may not be in our social group
or someone we care to meet
when we were younger we thru snowballls
gathered our own i do recall
we built or own walls
helped eachother get them nice and tall
why do the same kids,,with grownup faces
gather again for eachother
that instinct of together were strong has
been replaced by every man for himself
and if ya see someone tryin to gather snowballs
steal 'em knock his wall down
thats not the way im gonna live ya'll
no matter what that aint the way
to lonliness
misery sure
seen that door
is overcrowded
im slowin down
no need to rush rush rush
take a breathe
take a drive
do something for somebody'
just because u know
itd put a smile on tier face
dont let fear of our walls beein torn down keep us small
let our walls embrace eachother let them interconnect
in ways that men can never understand
show love in mysterios wayz
it might just be what you need
i say i say watch watch what what ch chu chu u you lookin at me me me me me me m emmeme
better be...cuz its better u than me cuz i sleep and i dream and i dont sleep and dream about beein mean
i sleep
i wake
the problem
if life were a dream
id row row row
id rowe
row ur damn boat
all the way to hell....
not as nice as ya thought
not as peachy cream
and a sunrise full of brim orange peeled lattes
no winin
no winin cheese
pretend to float
float or get
get off
the goddamn boat
float got a whole
whats it feel like
to have your whole life sinkin
in front of
there staring eyes
when ur own mind
becomes the warden
and each cell
each reaction
guards your every move
no more fancy
easy bake
its set to broil
and devil i may be
but why doest my gd
well i kniow\
do u
cuz i do
do u
do y a y
do ya do ya
a thought
let it be
simmer be
i get a little deeper if ya let me
oh ok noones here
just me.
set free.
no prison.
no guards
just mind
mind ur mannerrs ya hear
bleeding into insanity
better be...cuz its better u than me cuz i sleep and i dream and i dont sleep and dream about beein mean
i sleep
i wake
the problem
if life were a dream
id row row row
id rowe
row ur damn boat
all the way to hell....
not as nice as ya thought
not as peachy cream
and a sunrise full of brim orange peeled lattes
no winin
no winin cheese
pretend to float
float or get
get off
the goddamn boat
float got a whole
whats it feel like
to have your whole life sinkin
in front of
there staring eyes
when ur own mind
becomes the warden
and each cell
each reaction
guards your every move
no more fancy
easy bake
its set to broil
and devil i may be
but why doest my gd
well i kniow\
do u
cuz i do
do u
do y a y
do ya do ya
a thought
let it be
simmer be
i get a little deeper if ya let me
oh ok noones here
just me.
set free.
no prison.
no guards
just mind
mind ur mannerrs ya hear
bleeding into insanity
16th and mission
gotta say im likin the day.
which is where i wanna be,
godda say i keep comin back fro my fix
of mr steve kilbey
once n a while i mieet the hip ones whove seen it all
and they say "im cool" i know man
i spoke up at a gathering /where the film BLUE EYES OCCURED..HWY JUST SAW A TINI ECAmera lookinb at me on my screen so i see if i can take a great image of the greatest man..hmmm...alive
i figured it all out almost 20 years ago
the questin we all seek
why are we here.
so simple.
because of me.
or u or u
nothing would exhist w.o ur little peon opiionated brains to prick over our shit and rifl e through our dust mixing it w our skitzo bue pills dont make the hackers go away
helllo text messages show up as java on my emac--not plugged into the inernet,,,,,
how do my text messages..oh well for another day
sing it like v femmes u go girl get down get down.
somehow my brother hast created a beautifu website
do drop by
its braine 73@gmail.com
love love ....sweaty
elbow in my sleep
god i fealt bad..
nevr in the same bed again a y big bro ther o.
ok camera let mem 1st post this sad pos t
sorry excuse for a wool hat w. a baseball cap
i just know these fashion hounds ill pick it up u wait
call me a freek
best complimen ti ever did get
call me a dog,,,,
just dont
as i aint got the dough to pay sprint
ps started a book and a painting,,,,like
up im a book back down im a painting and in the middle is here\
so everywhere else is wondering where thursday went or why it hasn devoured friday but it has bearer of big news
thurs gon e w the wind
,,,,,,sense reason......chocolite chip eggo
HH u win my devost mosted......chip chop...mother jamboree my fav lil ausie up in the coconut tree
and billy burroughs jr refferred that proof a rolling stone can gather moss is allen ginsberg
a fareley rareley bid due and if it were fair id be on the fairus wheel of tieeme keyboards wouldnt stick and im happy as a chick....are they all happy..chicks
or do they get eaten by ravens....dont swim in my stream todya tgheh almon are fighting for the currents and the big black bears eating i can see nen somewhere reachin in to get his din din
which is where i wanna be,
godda say i keep comin back fro my fix
of mr steve kilbey
once n a while i mieet the hip ones whove seen it all
and they say "im cool" i know man
i spoke up at a gathering /where the film BLUE EYES OCCURED..HWY JUST SAW A TINI ECAmera lookinb at me on my screen so i see if i can take a great image of the greatest man..hmmm...alive
i figured it all out almost 20 years ago
the questin we all seek
why are we here.
so simple.
because of me.
or u or u
nothing would exhist w.o ur little peon opiionated brains to prick over our shit and rifl e through our dust mixing it w our skitzo bue pills dont make the hackers go away
helllo text messages show up as java on my emac--not plugged into the inernet,,,,,
how do my text messages..oh well for another day
sing it like v femmes u go girl get down get down.
somehow my brother hast created a beautifu website
do drop by
its braine 73@gmail.com
love love ....sweaty
elbow in my sleep
god i fealt bad..
nevr in the same bed again a y big bro ther o.
ok camera let mem 1st post this sad pos t
sorry excuse for a wool hat w. a baseball cap
i just know these fashion hounds ill pick it up u wait
call me a freek
best complimen ti ever did get
call me a dog,,,,
just dont
as i aint got the dough to pay sprint
ps started a book and a painting,,,,like
up im a book back down im a painting and in the middle is here\
so everywhere else is wondering where thursday went or why it hasn devoured friday but it has bearer of big news
thurs gon e w the wind
,,,,,,sense reason......chocolite chip eggo
HH u win my devost mosted......chip chop...mother jamboree my fav lil ausie up in the coconut tree
and billy burroughs jr refferred that proof a rolling stone can gather moss is allen ginsberg
a fareley rareley bid due and if it were fair id be on the fairus wheel of tieeme keyboards wouldnt stick and im happy as a chick....are they all happy..chicks
or do they get eaten by ravens....dont swim in my stream todya tgheh almon are fighting for the currents and the big black bears eating i can see nen somewhere reachin in to get his din din
oliver arms
an "you fill in the blank"
562 Divis...something wa happennin their
my energy tosed papers in the air
sex partners were a flair
jame out session
from the neighbors down stairs
long trenchcoats
and a spiiche and cheese
bong pipe motorcycle
clapping twistig morning airrr
i wont let go of those memoties]]
though they were so long ago
as compared to my lard ass
o i smoked salvia
at 36 and became part od steves bass petal,,,,,,
id say proll y not the creaam of the crop ya want legALIZED
""OOH DID ya see thta dud eget his head caved in.......
ps cant wait till esp typing is available....seems its all there....just marketig bs politis....plus strategigic .....ect ectec te ct cte tce tce te tceectecetcet cet ct et ct e cccetttttttttttt..dont preyend to know...not a good typing day....
so i bid u ...fuck u
562 Divis...something wa happennin their
my energy tosed papers in the air
sex partners were a flair
jame out session
from the neighbors down stairs
long trenchcoats
and a spiiche and cheese
bong pipe motorcycle
clapping twistig morning airrr
i wont let go of those memoties]]
though they were so long ago
as compared to my lard ass
o i smoked salvia
at 36 and became part od steves bass petal,,,,,,
id say proll y not the creaam of the crop ya want legALIZED
""OOH DID ya see thta dud eget his head caved in.......
ps cant wait till esp typing is available....seems its all there....just marketig bs politis....plus strategigic .....ect ectec te ct cte tce tce te tceectecetcet cet ct et ct e cccetttttttttttt..dont preyend to know...not a good typing day....
so i bid u ...fuck u
HH ive been cutting newspaper clippings entitled "for HH" I aint got no damn iternet connectionenenene..so i gots a half a block college of the arts half hour per day ..so ill use most of it hea...since the dogs
of war seem to be in their houses..for now.
me car got side wiped..knocked me mirror clean off
last week me car got towed
cots my family(humility bites at 36 askin mom for the $)
when every intention is to pay her back...
but she and i know despite my good intentin that most likeley wont be the case
as scapin by i am ....
so on the positive side
i met a freind
and his friend did me str chart on her blackberry
quite advanced from the old get out the emphemeris dayz.....
been tryin to get on gettin on...despite what i see...
despite whatll just gumup the works if i mention
just must find a chair before their are none left if ya know what i mean..
peace to all the little chitlens ie y precious gracie....she keeps me goin
the sunrise, the smile of a childs innocent open eyes..could even make a grown man cry
gettin on w/ aussie music
keepin me insides and me outsies clean...so
i wont be swept up w. the rest who forgot
life is all about handin out a lil change
of war seem to be in their houses..for now.
me car got side wiped..knocked me mirror clean off
last week me car got towed
cots my family(humility bites at 36 askin mom for the $)
when every intention is to pay her back...
but she and i know despite my good intentin that most likeley wont be the case
as scapin by i am ....
so on the positive side
i met a freind
and his friend did me str chart on her blackberry
quite advanced from the old get out the emphemeris dayz.....
been tryin to get on gettin on...despite what i see...
despite whatll just gumup the works if i mention
just must find a chair before their are none left if ya know what i mean..
peace to all the little chitlens ie y precious gracie....she keeps me goin
the sunrise, the smile of a childs innocent open eyes..could even make a grown man cry
gettin on w/ aussie music
keepin me insides and me outsies clean...so
i wont be swept up w. the rest who forgot
life is all about handin out a lil change
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My Father by Mark Merrill