blank slate the denial of human nature


what makes an american.
what makes me an american
what is my story
what is your story
Id tell you, but you didnt ask,

Im done pretending
to be nervous
or to give a f***
that you dont approve of my percieved life

thing is
its none of your business
and has never been.

ill be nice to you
no matter what...

ill be nice if u kick me in the back.
ill trust you have a conciounce.
whoever you is.

what did I do
annyway my concsious is clear
if you threaten my home. my privacy
i will defend my privacy with my life


Anonymous said...

don't worry....i have a conscience and i hope that others percieve kindness in me....
love always....

Braine73 said...

thanx hun.....jury doesn't bother asking ..... peanut gallerry that is....i must be nutz....i love judgemental people....who rather than ask...whats going on....instead....just do what the OTHERS wanted....nice to know u ....a million miles away sense my sincerity.


My Father by Mark Merrill