blank slate the denial of human nature

हार्ड way

bird on a wire
seems to sit there for****
he can fly away

some wings
would be needed
its a balancing

hope on a wire
bird on a feather
like a feather in the wind

where will it land
or will it
just keep floating

or will it land in an oil spill
And never be seen

like fallin from the sky
watchin the world go by
get ready cuz u will land
not like a feather

but like when the mist
i fell through seemed to
go a million miles an hoour

i need to be more careful

hurt the one i love

i pretend
im so

and fair
when i coulda caused a scare

make due w what u got
dont get in trouble w the lot
keep pluggin away
day after day

its all a dream annyway

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey kid......
you bro's got some stuff that i sent for you......have you got it yet?

keep steady, my man.......

love alwys......


My Father by Mark Merrill