blank slate the denial of human nature

stupa drunk

around when we got sick of the cops thunderinh " I know the guns in here" between the roaches and pissy warm shower & a barefoot bang......between 5am turkey dinner take-outs...& .025 cent cookies sustaininhg.....we moved out of the casa loma thougjt of &s house of dirt- mark slept in violet (my gf's truck) I remember moving him....snickering at t e insanity of it all.....,around that time...Id been making trips to Berkeley to the Nyingma INT w/ the hopes of beeing sent North to Odiyon...rigorous testing of will& physical mental condition -overall motivation for the 6 month committment....

how would I have guessed my future.. from a sacred high 2....walking into 5oo fillmore w/ blue chelsae pete sistar cozmos august mark and I....what a crowd.
chelsae OD'd. we all woke to petes screaming.. It was alien to me than... blue& chelsae were very ok beeing half naked.....and I a too shy boy....once was askedif blues right or left breast was bigger....I locked myseld in our room....Than The famous boy on boy lover real man fight....& the tarot cards that combusted.....
,Mark left to visit the E coast. Aug met thiz pierced NY guy who turned him on. I'd stay & watch at his request....Nirvanna came out w/ teen spirit the lyrics fit my broken was so new....august was much more social...I went along to parties but always afraid to meet My anxiety was at the cofee shop , on our walks to art stores...mark called me peroshski ..we always got one at the coener...wedvisoliver sometimes...i wish I'd stayed on track w/ the free radical feeling I got their....but I never fealt good...
eventually the chaos got me a rented closet in a large and haunted home.....mark went to live w/ a friend from noc that bar was the place....met cheryl there....fell deep for her so old I thought at 27......
soon I would party smoking black tar...w/owen a rich artist from santa-barbara. I was 19. it was 1992....
end here 2 nite..
maybe we don't live in past
but why not write it.

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