blank slate the denial of human nature


fINALLY---yOU EVER have one of those nights when your back hurts , you cant sleep and all you think about is The" good times.."wait were they that good, were they even good? what were they at all ...were they bad were they worseneded by my own inability to take the pain out of the pleasure or to throw the baby out w/ the bath water...Is orono near bangor,,is that why she hasnt responded,,are you upset of course you are I only left 10 million messages making fun of your situation....

You dont need me
You never have
you did those
eggs and bakey
rise and shine
its methaa---douche time..

and i so the pooor lost in love child
throwing pudding at your feeet
but unable to meet

you dealt with
my black heart
my fears of life
35 incest seems reasonable
to a man caught on fire

I love you than I take a breath
I love you Than I stay in bed
I love you and I punch the wall
I love you and you never call

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