blank slate the denial of human nature

सत्तेलिते majesty

sattelite majesty
high picted ,
oh so high
i cant even hear
or can i .
subliminal sublime sub lim in al
under the surface blue ocean wave
rip tide
radio wave s forming under toe
pulling me by the ears,
new mom and dad
new big brother....slapping myself
slappinh myself
in the face.
dont slap yourself

skull lead cap smile
,iddle man

to be known, unknown
how can it be they all cant beleive
too far in advance ,
such a thing exhist todAY..actually once known, I can see how with todays technoligy
it doesnt seem like such a stretch of the imagination.
u take technologies like thermal imaging and x-ray technology, combine them with sattelite and radio wave , more specifically microwave...aim that at a certain frequency like the one the braine gives off, and you have a new radio receiver, sattelite rweceiver ,,the HUMAN BRAIN.
the cia has been working on this technologyu since the 50's,,back than already known is the devie that can look through someones skull and actually send sound through ones head, added to the mind...
one link that may be of interest

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