blank slate the denial of human nature

going into aquarious

I just read my first blog
from a man.

and thats just it

blogs dont care how much money

or fancy cars

they are what they are

are they to impress
do they help you undress
i dont think so

but i imagine if you know
thousands of people are reading it

no matter what
it would be harder for that individual
to just say what they say,,,

its the true artist
who can journal
forgetting about
the public
or what he she or it says
its a personal
public space in which all is critiqued
but in the flow
you gott a let it all go

the indian doctor
finally came in

the energy from downstairs
my dreams

so as i waited for my legal script
of amphetamines
I wandered in to the spiritual shop

where" there telling me that energy is coming from below"
so now i gotta first clean all the dark corners where dark energy hides
burn some sage, and place small mirrorrs on my floor and against my wall to deflext the
energy back to where itrs needed
cuz i dont want to deal with it,
Its not in a bad way, Its just
the energy gets trapped
in my clutterred room
and while i let it
continue to clutter
the energy seeps into my pillow
and ,since i cant buy a dream catcher
the nightmeares come
just like the sucubis
and laid a pentacle on my
chest when i was seventeen

oh iu must be crazy
it was just a dream, no she came
she and had her psychic sex.....

she spiritually raped me on halloween

even though she lullibied me back to sleep....

she invaded.......for her own pleasure
who was she
thats the ongoing question

did she posess me
why did she pick me???

some things ya just learn to live with,

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My Father by Mark Merrill