blank slate the denial of human nature

All it is down..maniplate..slob...oh he burns..oh this oh ...mmhmm....ruin as ind at no fault...get in harms way over n over..mix it up..beeive see. React..deny..altetr bushs same trime as voice..god like z..heard by computers.
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Sawho knows

not about anything but facts and what is..why say anythinh if for no gain...thoughjts honest and for a reason..devoid of. Any violent like thought or unfair action to the mind or body..effects u just sasy lh well probly none..rules help another .oh me.....
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Actual what we. All know

Is what we noi as much as we. Do... Only look at. A humans life as. What to. Go by.... law changes or awareness together..use as. A reason to completeley revamp..dont let we..think..outside the mind deter its assumed beeing starts
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What do i hjave to do w this....its not what i. Want or can or should or....knowledge and of thing affects the far off in talking and gov to human #o a mankind nature ofwanttoknow..theryu
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My Father by Mark Merrill