blank slate the denial of human nature

remember those men inspired by god...
if i told you
A man joined me in my body....this is described by( and the belief one must beleive to retain this human knowledge is that its 100 percent the one and only god)) I was eating my thoughts i heard a dialog that spoke as if in biblical terms...
I have had alot of personalities in my body since beeing a targeted i know spirits do not lie and are serios about life as its more important and cherished to them since there only here using my body and its not there own..
God introduced himmself...
he was an ordinary feeling man to me...I mean his smile his reactions//i fealt so safe with I ve always said God KNows...Mind control is very doubting and untrusting of my will to do good....also other human ..
i must communicate this as this was a spiritual experience where my braine cells activated....we talked of human nature..even joked...I know with him I am innocent as he knows all....and having him there was hard to process.
spirits dont see dreams..he saw mine..
also when i had a suicidal thought or a death or give up thought
i would never commit that
but a light thought of it .God made my whole body and mind completeley feel euphoria..i got frightened as i fealt i was beeing taken out of the world..thats what people dont understand about all this is that ...what ive fealt has been a body and mind that has no confusion no doubt/...when others adapt this it seems to have a physical body affect like a drug...

all i can say is that if humans are what i think....if we beleive it...
totally and are able or willing or can evaluate this goodness as vital ..

not me
or individual
but greater good


but is rewarding and always makes sense...

to admit our traits as humans

is to
free us all
and educate us all
to want to be free

as love and family
are serious things

a woamn is a serious thing
she is not
beeing seen


My Father by Mark Merrill