blank slate the denial of human nature

टुडे इया लिखे नो other

today is like no other
when an atom is beeing watched it divides into two
then it comes back together

hence life
when the presence of an infinnitite amount of eyes captures
than the eyes themselves see differently as to what they are watching

they relay this tainted information bacvk to home base
and it sticks to the surface
likek some uneated candy...

noone wants something that has been used up or tainted

fresh imformation,, ,unglued
non plastic truths
instead of fictin

ifone makes a mistake based on what is false that karma will follow that man throughout

i entireley bel;eive in karma

on this earth i have learned many things
many ways in which to be alive

enjoying the moments in life and not wasting them
keeping on perspective based on the
all encompessing thought
one thought that when taken to a new state of awareness
people can follow along
undrstanding and how that related to compassion and how that related back to that watcher

watcher doesnt seee only a reflection of what he is looking for dos he

thik we aeee what we want in a way

so short it is to suddenly put our pencil down

so much to write about so much to anylyzze so much to is such a wondross place

to enjoy the illuminati and the galactic federation of light (light beeings) that exhist to better mankind..
no worries of the super human
in connectiun to the illuminated on
the one illuminated with beloved souls
for all to marvel at
he is something else
something separate
something that most cant understand
he is what he is plus what man has been looking for in regard to philosephy in regard to science in regard to human beeings

so u ask what is the illuminati?

i say to you it is an enlightened beeing

one who struggles day to day for survivl

one who looks to the right and all around
one in a circle of everlasting love

one who trueley adores the circle and all the kindness f the kindred ones

they trueley have all the light

there is no bad in the world

light beeings from ones who have come down to earth

light beeigs those who have come to wlk with us o out journey

light beeings the ones who help speak thru and to guide us

with everlasting love these beeings radia te there joy


My Father by Mark Merrill