blank slate the denial of human nature

अ न्यू डे इन थे लाइफ ऑफ़ brian

a new day in the life of

i put my fears aside

i feel each moment as it comes

breathe in the coulurs

see the air as it collects inside

swirling around

like a feather in the wind

where will it land

the storm
some direction
a feather has a purpose
the wind comes from a place that
can only be fealt
who directs the wind

sun awakes
like today
noone can count on anything
but the sun can

it has arisen

so if the morning light comes

and you think of yesterday

you are not thining of today

the sun comes up each morning
so the yesterday
is not

but so it is
as w/o those golden memeories of that from which you came

life may have no meaning

can a moment be w/o yesterdays
oh like no other
so each moment is so very very very importAnt
FOR LIFE is but the moments
such a simple
but wise lesson
for every igle life
is so special that
taking for granted this
life moment
is not living
someone said
live free or die
busy livin or busy dyin
you decide which
better live free


My Father by Mark Merrill