blank slate the denial of human nature

shes one

every day brings a new day
yesterday i let a crackhead in to use teh phone
today im filing a police report
yesterday a guys telling me how his face turned blue
today a girls dying to join him
yesterday i had a dream
today i only dream

yesterday i cared about my blog
today i couldnt care about a hog
yesterday they cared
today they dont

life grows older
people grow colder
nothing is very much fun annymore

but I can FEEEEL
cold as a razor blade
tight as a turnicade
dry as a funeral drum

i have chose a new .....

words wrap themselves around
the girl who sits silently in my loft
next to th epainting
and the dirty clothes

I get out today
today is my day

I chill the town over
with my unshaven tools
i found them in a bag
at a lawyers auction

some pipes
an opium slider

but how long will it last

SA sitting in your cell

is it my fault that you took what
u needed for your cocaine high

i just pay another guy

u coulda brought it back
but how would that have helped

how would that turn the wheel of your existence

the last one died

better off your in prison

ill get another computer
i forgive ya chum.


My Father by Mark Merrill